Wasn't it what you expected? Return it!

Our top priority is that our customers are happy with our products! If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase for any reason, WePatches.com gladly accepts product returns within 14 days after the product is sold and will provide a full refund with the following options of your choice:

  • Refund to your credit/debit card for the value of said product.
  • Exchange for another product of the same price or the same price.
  • If your payment is made in cash at a convenience store, we will be asking you for a bank account so that we can make the bank deposit if you wish.

The only thing we ask to accept returns is the following:

  • That the product is not used.
  • That it is in the same condition in which you received it.
  • That it is in its original box or packaging.

*This return policy does not apply to custom patches.