Notice of Privacy



In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, BONASA BORDADORA NACIONAL SA de CV (hereinafter " " ) with address at Adolfo López Mateos 1702, Col Santa Cruz Buenavista. Puebla, Pue, informs you of the privacy policy and handling of personal data, in which it will at all times seek to ensure that the processing thereof is legitimate, controlled and informed, in order to guarantee their privacy.

This Privacy and Data Protection Policy regulates the treatment we give to the information received when accessing and using the services of the Website, which makes available to Internet users interested in its services and content ( hereinafter, the “Users”).


If the User registers on the Website, personal data will be requested by completing a form. The data requested is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of the Website, and will be stored and processed exclusively for said purpose and always within the established regulatory framework.

The personal data of the individual includes name, address, email address, zip code, telephone number and company. Fields marked with the word optional in parentheses (optional) in the registration form may be omitted as they are not strictly essential for the fulfillment of the service.

Additionally, we collect the User's responses and the results of employability evaluations and assessments carried out at different points on the Site, in addition to aggregated information (not individually identifiable) that gives us a better knowledge of the users of our website as a whole and helps us to offer them a better service.

  1. PURPOSE collects personal data from Users in order to facilitate the shipping of the purchased products to the address requested by the buyer. Aggregate data is also collected from Users in order to perform statistical analyzes that allow analyzing and improving the operation of the services and the Site.


The use of the Website and the registration or sending of personal data to implies the express consent of the User to the automated processing of the personal data provided, as well as the sending of electronic communications with information related to and its initiatives. . The User consents to their data being transferred to third parties in compliance with the functionalities of the portal.

The User expressly consents to the transfer of their data to companies associated with or belonging to the BONASA BORDADORA NACIONAL SA de CV group or its shareholders for the sending of their own or third party promotions and offers related to the user's interests and profile. The effects of this authorization will extend to the parties involved in a sale, merger, transfer of assets or business reorganization.


The security of your data is very important to has adopted the technical and organizational measures established by regulation to guarantee the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

When customers make online payments on the website, their credit card information is encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This protocol makes it very difficult for your card information to be intercepted during transmission. We use several specialized companies to process all online payments.


The Portal uses cookies to improve the user's browsing experience. It is the best way to offer you personalized and interesting content through the Portal. is not responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policies of third parties included in this cookie policy. To resolve any related questions, please contact through the contact form.


The User has the right at any time to access their information, to rectify it if the data is erroneous, to change their privacy settings, to oppose the processing of their data and to unsubscribe from services.

These rights can be made effective through the configuration of the website itself. In case of problems with effective online implementation as well as for any type of doubt or controversy regarding our privacy policy, you can contact us in writing at:

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  1. MODIFICATION OF THE PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION POLICY reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to future legislative or jurisprudential developments.

Any change that does not derive from adaptation to legislative or jurisprudential changes will be advertised on the Website itself or, if significant, communicated by e-mail to Users.


COLLECTION OF INFORMATION ABOUT PEOPLE VISITING collects non-personal information about visits to the website. The data collected is used in an aggregate, non-personal manner. reserves the right to share this data with its partners in order to provide them with information related to the use of the Website by users.


Our Web servers collect your IP address to assist with maintenance or to diagnose problems in providing our services.

COLLECTION OF INFORMATION ABOUT USERS REGISTERED ON collects personal information about registered users so that they can take full advantage of the services.


BONASA EMBORDADORA NACIONAL SA de CV (commercially known as recognizes that you are providing us with your contact information and previously listed personal information. Our commitment is to process this data only for the purposes of this site, as well as to offer you commercial promotions of goods or services of our own or of third parties that we consider may be of interest to you. Before you provide us with any information, you must read and understand the terms of this Privacy Notice, expressly expressing your consent by accepting them.

Below is the full text of the Privacy Notice:

  1. OF THE IDENTITY AND ADDRESS OF THE RESPONSIBLE. This document is the Privacy Notice of BONASA BORDADORA NACIONAL SA de CV (the "Controller"), who will be in charge of processing the personal data that you (the "Owner") provide to us. For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, the Controller indicates as its address located Adolfo López Mateos #1702 Col. Santa Cruz Buenavista. Puebla, well.
  2. OF THE PERSONAL DATA THAT WILL BE SUBJECTED TO PROCESSING. The personal data that the Owner provides through the electronic completion and submission of forms contained on the website and that will be subjected to processing are: (i) name(s), paternal surname and maternal surname; (ii) address; (iii) email; (iv) telephone number, cell phone (the "Data").

III. OF SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA. The Controller will not request in any way, and the Owner will not provide at any time to the Controller, "sensitive personal data", that is, intimate personal data or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for the Owner. The Owner undertakes not to provide the Controller with any information related to his or her racial or ethnic origin, present and/or future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and/or moral beliefs, union membership, political opinions and/or sexual preference. . In the event that the Owner provides sensitive data through documents uploaded to the website, or through forms, the Owner accepts and consents to their processing in accordance with the terms and conditions of the website and its Privacy Notice, which is an obligation. of the Owner not to provide this type of data in the information that is uploaded to the website.

  1. OF FINANCIAL DATA. The Controller collects financial data that is necessary for payment purposes for our services charged to a credit card. Among these data are: (i) Type of card; (ii) Card number; (iii) Card verification code; (iv) Contact information; and (v) Billing information.
  2. OF THE USE OF YOUR DATA. Your Data will be processed for the following purposes:
  3. Primary Purpose: Provision of services through its Internet site to provide a platform for the purchase of products electronically
  4. Secondary Purpose: Improvement of the commercial and marketing process, using the information for: (i) The purchase of goods or services; (ii) Ensure an efficient service and provide better service to the Owner, as well as to improve their experience in the use of certain products and/or services; (iii) Send you and present goods and/or services that may be relevant or attractive, including your participation in promotions, surveys, offers and advertising campaigns, your own or those of third parties; (iv) Inform about changes or new products or services that we consider may be of interest to you; (v) Comply with legal obligations; (vi) Evaluate the quality of the service or carry out internal studies on consumer habits.
  5. OF DATA PROCESSING AND ITS REFUSAL. In order to comply with the purposes of this Privacy Notice, as well as to be able to process the Data, it is possible that the Controller delivers all or part of the Data to third parties, [who may be individuals or legal entities, national or foreign, companies affiliates or subsidiaries, including suppliers of goods or services, that require knowledge of this information, including information storage servers, who will be obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the Data and in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Third-party recipients may be, but are not limited to, industrial, commercial and/or service companies.

The Controller undertakes to have sufficient and necessary legal and security measures to guarantee that your Data remains confidential and secure.

The Controller will be empowered to give the treatment it deems appropriate to the Data, as long as this treatment is carried out in relation to the purposes indicated in subsection (a) of Section IV of this Privacy Notice; For the processing of the purposes indicated in subsection (b) of the aforementioned Section, the Controller may carry out said processing until it receives the refusal from the Owner.

The Owner must not add personal data that is not required or different from that requested by the Controller in the fields designated for this purpose, since any contrary conduct does not guarantee the confidentiality of said information.

In order for the Owner to express his/her refusal or revoke consent for the processing of his/her personal data, he/she must contact the Controller through the procedure established for the exercise of ARCO Rights (the term of which is defined below), indicated in the Section VI of this Privacy Notice.

VII. OF THE EXERCISE OF ARCO RIGHTS. The Owner will have the right to request the Controller at any time for access, rectification, cancellation or opposition regarding their Data (the "ARCO Rights"), for which they must send a request to the Controller, to the attention of the Operations and Security area. IT, to the following address: Adolfo López Mateos #1702 Col. Santa Cruz Buena Vista. Puebla, well. , or email

The request to exercise ARCO Rights, or to revoke consent to the processing of personal data, must contain and be accompanied by the following: (i) the name, paternal and maternal surname of the Owner; (ii) your address and/or email and/or any other means to notify about your purchase; (iii) official documents that prove the identity or, where applicable, the legal representation of the Owner; (iv) the clear and precise description of the Data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights; and (v) any other element or document that facilitates the location of the Owner's Data.

Once the Responsible Party receives the writing from the Owner regarding the exercise of its ARCO Rights, the Responsible Party will have to analyze, attend to and send the corresponding response to the Owner within 15 business days. The means of sending the response may be in the manner indicated by the Owner or using the same means by which the Owner sent the corresponding letter to the Controller.

VIII. OF OTHER MEANS TO LIMIT THE USE OR DISCLOSURE OF DATA. To limit the processing of the Data, the Owner will only have the means indicated in this Privacy Notice. It will be up to the Owner to attend or request by telephone to register with the Public Registry of Consumers provided for by the Federal Consumer Protection Law and/or the Public Registry of Users provided for by the Law for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services, effect of limiting the use of personal data in the possession of individuals.

  1. OF COMMUNICATION MECHANISMS. Any communication that the Owner directs to the Controller related to this Privacy Notice must be made to the addresses provided for the exercise of ARCO Rights, mentioning in a clear and precise manner: (i) the name, paternal and maternal surname of the Owner; (ii) your address and/or email and/or any other means to communicate the response to your request; (iii) official documents that prove the identity or, where applicable, the legal representation of the Owner; and (iv) the clear and precise description of the object of your communication.

In the same way, the Responsible Party will attend to and respond to any communication sent to it within 7 business days of having received said letter, either in the same form in which the communication was sent or in the form in which they would have indicated.

  1. OF REMOTE MEDIA. In the event that the Owner provides their Data through electronic means, including the website (Internet) of the Responsible, then the Owner understands, accepts and acknowledges that:
    a) The Controller's website may include links to third-party websites, which, if accessed, will cause the Controller's website to be abandoned, for which the Controller does not assume any responsibility in relation to these third-party websites. b) The Controller's website may include links to sites that manage social networks, in which case the Owner accepts that by providing any type of information or Data on said sites, it will cause it to be read, viewed, accessed, retransmitted and processed by any person, and therefore releases the Controller from any responsibility. c) It is possible that the Controller's systems collect Data from the Owner such as browser type, operating system, Internet pages visited, IP address, etc., through "cookies" or "web beacons", among others.

In order for the Owner to disable these programs, they must access the "Internet options located in the "tools" section, or similar functions, of the browser they use.

  1. OF MODIFICATIONS TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE. The Controller may modify this Privacy Notice as many times as it deems necessary, both to maintain consistency with the applicable legal regulations, at the request of the competent authorities and/or for our own convenience. As long as the Controller does not change his or her identity, more data than those mentioned here are required from the Owner, the purpose of this Privacy Notice is modified and/or the transfer conditions change, the Owner agrees and agrees that the form of Notifying any changes to this Privacy Notice will be through publication on the Internet page It is the Owner's obligation to periodically visit said site in order to verify the most current version of the Privacy Notice. For cases in which the Owner's consent is necessary for the changes made to this Privacy Notice, the Controller will send the corresponding notice to any of the means of contact that the Owner has provided us; It will be understood that the Owner accepts said Notice until we receive any communication to the contrary.

XII. OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS. This Privacy statement is subject to the terms and conditions of all websites described above, which constitutes a legal agreement between the user and

These terms (as they may be changed from time to time by form a binding agreement between you and Access and use of indicates your acceptance of these terms. You further agree to use at your own risk.

XIII. OF PROTECTION. The security and confidentiality of the data that users provide when contracting a service or purchasing a product online will be protected by a secure server under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, in such a way that the data sent will be transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection.

XIV. AUTHORITY. If you consider that your rights regarding the protection of personal data have been violated, you have the right to go to the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) at